All files / mylog-api/models logEntry.model.js

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const sql = require("./db.js");
const moment = require("moment")
const luxon = require("luxon");
class LogEntry {
    constructor(logEntry) {
        this.PilotID = logEntry.PilotID,
            this.Registration = logEntry.Registration,
            this.BlockOffTime = logEntry.BlockOffTime,
            this.DepartureAirportID = logEntry.DepartureAirportID,
            this.DestinationAirportID = logEntry.DestinationAirportID,
            this.BlockOnTime = logEntry.BlockOnTime,
            this.TotalTime = logEntry.TotalTime,
            this.SP_SE_Time = logEntry.SP_SE_Time,
            this.SP_ME_Time = logEntry.SP_ME_Time,
            this.MultiPilotTime = logEntry.MultiPilotTime,
            this.PIC = logEntry.PIC,
            this.DayLanding = logEntry.DayLanding,
            this.NightLanding = logEntry.NightLanding,
            this.IFRTime = logEntry.IFRTime,
            this.NightTime = logEntry.NightTime,
            this.PICTime = logEntry.PICTime,
            this.COPilotTime = logEntry.COPilotTime,
            this.DualTime = logEntry.DualTime,
            this.SimTime = logEntry.SimTime,
            this.InstructorTime = logEntry.InstructorTime,
            this.Remarks = logEntry.Remarks,
            this.FlightCrewList = logEntry.FlightCrewList
    static create(newLogEntry, result) {
        newLogEntry.Status = 5;
        sql.query("INSERT INTO LogEntries SET ?", newLogEntry, (err, res) => {
            if (err) {
                console.log("error: ", err);
                result(err, null);
            console.log("crated logEntry: ", { ID: res.insertId, ...newLogEntry });
            const apiResponse = {
                ops: "LogEntryAdd",
                status: "success",
                message: "Log Entry created",
                payload: { ID: res.insertId, ...newLogEntry },
                affectedRows: 1
            result(null, apiResponse);
    static update(logEntry, result) {
        logEntry.Status = 5
        sql.query("UPDATE LogEntries SET ? where ID = ?", [logEntry, logEntry.ID], (err, res) => {
            if (err) {
                console.log("error: ", err);
                result(err, null);
            console.log("updated logEntry: ", { ID: logEntry.ID, ...logEntry });
            const apiResponse = {
                ops: "LogEntryUpdate",
                status: "success",
                message: "Log Entry updated",
                payload: { ID: logEntry.ID, ...logEntry },
                affectedRows: 1
            result(null, apiResponse);
    static getRecentsByPilotID(pilotID, result) {
        var query = `SELECT L.*,
        CAST(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_OBJECT('ID', Dep.ID, 'Name', Dep.Name, 'IATA_CODE', Dep.IATA_CODE, 'ICAO_CODE', Dep.ICAO_CODE, 'Coordinates', Dep.Coordinates, 'Elevation', Dep.Elevation,'City', Dep.City, 'Country', Dep.Country)) as JSON) as DepartureAirport,
        CAST(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_OBJECT('ID', Dest.ID, 'Name', Dest.Name, 'IATA_CODE', Dest.IATA_CODE, 'ICAO_CODE', Dest.ICAO_CODE, 'Coordinates', Dest.Coordinates, 'Elevation', Dest.Elevation, 'City', Dest.City, 'Country', Dest.Country)) as JSON) as 'DestinationAirport'
 FROM LogEntries L 
INNER JOIN Airports Dep ON L.DepartureAirportID = Dep.ID
INNER JOIN Airports Dest ON L.DestinationAirportID = Dest.ID
        sql.query(query, [pilotID], (err, res) => {
            if (err) {
                console.log("error: ", err);
                result(err, null);
            const apiResponse = {
                ops: "getRecents",
                status: "success",
                message: "Recent Log Entries",
                payload: res,
                affectedRows: res.length
            result(null, apiResponse);
    static getTotalHourByPilotID(pilotID, result) {
        var query = `SELECT SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( TotalTime ) ) )  as TotalTime FROM LogEntries WHERE PilotID = ?`;
        sql.query(query, [pilotID], (err, res) => {
            if (err) {
                console.log("error: ", err);
                result(err, null);
            const apiResponse = {
                ops: "getTotalHourByPilotID",
                status: "success",
                message: "Total hours by pilotID",
                payload: res[0]["TotalTime"],
                affectedRows: res.length
            result(null, apiResponse);
    static getLast12MonthTotalHours(pilotID, result) {
        var query = `SELECT SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( TotalTime ) ) )  as TotalTime, SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( SimTime ) ) )  as SimTime FROM LogEntries
        WHERE PilotID = 1 and FlightDate> now() - INTERVAL 12 month
        GROUP BY MONTH(FlightDate);`;
        sql.query(query, [pilotID], (err, res) => {
            if (err) {
                console.log("error: ", err);
                result(err, null);
            const apiResponse = {
                ops: "getLast12MonthTotalHours",
                status: "success",
                message: "Last 12 hours sum by pilotID",
                payload: res,
                affectedRows: res.length
            result(null, apiResponse);
    static monthlyTotalHours(pilotID, year, result) {
        var query = "SELECT MONTH(FlightDate),SUM(TotalTime) FROM `LogEntries` where PilotID = ? and YEAR(FlightDate) = ? GROUP BY MONTH(FlightDate) ORDER BY MONTH(FlightDate);";
        sql.query(query, [pilotID, year], (err, res) => {
            if (err) {
                console.log("error: ", err);
                result(err, null);
            const apiResponse = {
                ops: "monthlyTotalHours",
                status: "success",
                message: "Monthly total hours by pilotID: " + pilotID + " and year: " + year,
                payload: res,
                affectedRows: res.length
            // console.log("apiResponse:", apiResponse);
            result(null, apiResponse);
    static sync(pilotID, version, result) {
        var query = `SELECT L.*,
        CAST(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_OBJECT('ID', Dep.ID, 'Name', Dep.Name, 'IATA_CODE', Dep.IATA_CODE, 'ICAO_CODE', Dep.ICAO_CODE, 'Coordinates', Dep.Coordinates, 'Elevation', Dep.Elevation,'City', Dep.City, 'Country', Dep.Country)) as JSON) as DepartureAirport,
        CAST(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_OBJECT('ID', Dest.ID, 'Name', Dest.Name, 'IATA_CODE', Dest.IATA_CODE, 'ICAO_CODE', Dest.ICAO_CODE, 'Coordinates', Dest.Coordinates, 'Elevation', Dest.Elevation, 'City', Dest.City, 'Country', Dest.Country)) as JSON) as 'DestinationAirport',
        IF(Sim.ID IS NOT NULL, CAST(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_OBJECT('ID', Sim.ID, 'Registration', Sim.Registration, 'Name', Sim.Name, 'Manufacturer', Sim.Manufacturer, 'Model',Sim.Model, 'AircraftType',Sim.AircraftType, 'PilotID', Sim.PilotID, 'SimDeviceType',Sim.SimDeviceType, 'Version', Sim.Version, 'Status', Sim.Status)) as JSON), JSON_OBJECT()) as Simulator
        FROM LogEntries L 
        INNER JOIN Airports Dep ON L.DepartureAirportID = Dep.ID
        INNER JOIN Airports Dest ON L.DestinationAirportID = Dest.ID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Simulators Sim ON L.Registration = Sim.Registration
        WHERE L.PilotID = ? and L.Version > ? ORDER BY L.AddDate DESC`;
        sql.query(query, [pilotID, version], (err, res) => {
            if (err) {
                console.log("error: ", err);
                result(err, null);
            const apiResponse = {
                ops: "sync",
                status: "success",
                message: "Sync Log Entries",
                payload: res,
                affectedRows: res.length
            // console.log("apiResponse:", apiResponse);
            result(null, apiResponse);
module.exports = LogEntry;